Exide Battery Warranty: Coverage and Benefits


Exide is a well-known brand in the battery industry that provides Exide Battery Warranty to their customers. Recently I faced a problem with my Exide Battery Warranty. They have a wide range of Batteries to run different types of applications and Vehicles.


So, when you want to buy an Exide battery for a car or any vehicle, you should keep in mind that your investment is safe. This is where Exide Battery's warranty comes in handy - a warranty on something gives you peace of mind. The company makes batteries with high-quality materials and they perform a lot of tests on the battery to make sure that it works well.


In this article, I will give info about the Warranty of Exide Battery in depth so that you can understand it in a better way. Because I also faced this problem earlier in my life.

Understand Exide Battery Warranty

Understanding Exide Battery Warranty:

Exide Battery Warranty provides coverage and protection for a fixed time. The Exide warranty period depends on the different types of batteries and their usage. Exide provides warranty for a wide range of batteries including Automotive (i.e. cars, light trucks, sport utility vehicles, vans, etc.), Marine, and Deep-cycle batteries.


The warranty covers certain defects and failures of the battery.

  • The warranty covers the Manufacturing defects like swell or bulge.
  • Exide battery warranty covers the issue of Battery capacity.
  • The company also covers the life of the battery which means if you properly use the battery but your battery dies before the time then it’s covered in warranty.


But the warranty does not cover damage occurring:

  • From improper use of Battery.
  • During the upgrade additional accessories in vehicles other than the original accessories.
  • Due to Accidents, Fire, Faulty Electrical Systems, and external factors like Flood and Theft.
  • Due to the Service of battery from the unauthorized service Centre.
  • Breakage of battery terminals due to the use of mechanical force.
  • Due to Overcharging or undercharging the Battery.  
  • When Distilled water is not used for topping up the battery.


Benefits of Exide Battery Warranty:

If you keep the warranty of Exide battery in mind while buying Exide battery, then the Exide battery warranty gives you many advantages as follows:

  1. Mindfulness: We need a reliable and long-lasting battery for our vehicles, cars, backup power source, and many other applications. A battery warranty gives us peace of mind because we know that if anything goes wrong or gets damaged in the battery, it is covered under the warranty.
  2. Protection against potential battery failure: Exide batteries are designed to run and perform, but sometimes these batteries fail due to manufacturing defects or other reasons. The warranty protects against such potential defects. This is especially important for those applications where there is a high chance of battery failure
  3. Cost savings: If your battery fails or needs to be replaced, the cost of replacement is very high. But with a warranty, we don't have to pay for a replacement battery which saves us time and money.
  4. Customer support and assistance: Exide provides excellent customer support and assistance to customers who require it during the warranty period of the battery. This customer support service is also helpful if you have any questions about the battery or warranty process.

How to claim an Exide battery warranty:

The Exide Battery Warranty claim process is straightforward and efficient. If there is any problem with your battery then we will directly contact Exide customer service. The steps are listed below:

  • Contact Exide Customer Service: If you face any issues with your Exide battery, the first step is to get in touch with Exide's customer service team. They are there to help you. You can reach out to them by Phone at no. 1800-103-5454 or through other communication channels like WhatsApp at no. 7044000000 and through email id- exidecare@exide.co.in which is provided by Exide.
  • Explain the Problem: When you contact Exide customer service, then explain the problem you're experiencing with your battery. Be clear and provide all the necessary details. This will help them understand the issue and assist you better.
  • Provide Proof of Purchase: After that to claim the warranty, you will usually need to show proof of purchase, like a receipt or an invoice. This helps confirm that you bought the battery and are eligible for warranty coverage.
  • Warranty Verification: Exide's customer service team will verify if your battery is still covered under warranty. They will check the warranty period and the specific terms and conditions for your battery model.
  • Follow the Instructions: If your battery is eligible for warranty coverage, the customer service team will guide you on how to proceed with the warranty claim process. They may ask you to provide additional information or follow specific steps to resolve the issue.

How to claim an Exide battery warranty:

What types of Batteries does Exide have:

Exide company offers different types of batteries for different things. For example, they have automotive batteries which are specifically designed for motorcycles, cars, and trucks, so you can keep your vehicle running smoothly.


If you have a boat, they also have batteries that are specially made for marine applications (boats, submarines), ensuring reliable power on the water.


And if you need a battery for Backup Power Systems or Recreational vehicles like campers, Exide has Deep-cycle batteries that are perfect for those needs.


So, whether you're driving a car, sailing a boat, or powering up your camper, Exide company has a battery to suit your specific requirements. They understand that different applications have different power needs, and their range of batteries is designed to meet those needs effectively.


Exide Battery Maintenance Tips:

Taking care of batteries is very important to keep them working well. Here are some maintenance tips for you listed below:

  • Charge the battery correctly: When you charge a battery, make sure you follow the recommended charging instructions. Overcharging or Undercharging can also cause issues, so it's best to charge the battery for the right amount of time.
  • Store batteries perfectly: If you are not using a battery for a long period, it's important to store it perfectly and keep the battery in a cool and dry area. Store them away from high temperatures or direct sunlight. This helps prevent damage and extends their lifespan 
  • Avoid overuse or misuse: Using your Exide battery overly or in ways not recommended by the manufacturer can cause damage. Follow the guidelines provided by Exide for the specific battery model you have. For example, if it's a deep-cycle battery designed for recreational vehicles, avoid draining it completely before recharging.
  • Follow maintenance guidelines: The battery manufacturer usually provides guidelines on how to properly maintain and care for the battery. It's a good idea to read and follow the instructions given in the guidelines. They might include things like cleaning battery terminals or checking for any signs of damage.


Battery Maintenance Tips for keep valid Exide Battery Warranty.

By following these maintenance tips, you can help your batteries last longer and perform better and you are eligible to Claim Exide Battery Warranty. It's like giving them a little TLC (tender loving care) to keep them in good shape.


My Real Story about Exide car battery Warranty:

Last year I purchased a Battery for my Verna Hyundai Car which is Exide Mileage ML75D23LBH. The battery cost is around 7,200 rupees and this battery comes with 55 months warranty. But this warranty covers 30 months of full replacement + 25 months Pro Rata.


Then after purchase, it became 4 months old then my car battery lost its hold power capacity. Which means the battery loses the ability to hold the charge in it. Then I faced a problem starting my Car. Then I call Exide Care and tell them my problem and I provide them with all the required documents. Then they call my nearest authorized service Centre.


After a day one person came to my home and called me. Then I tell all the problems that I face to start my car. Then I provided him a purchase slip and a warranty card. After that he will check the battery, then he checks whether my car battery is under Warranty or not.


Then it is under warranty because it's only 4 months old. Then the man fills the form which was carried by him and I will sine on that form.


Then he will install a New Battery in my car and after that, he will go to their service station to carry my old car battery. That is how I claim a warranty on my Exide Car Battery. That’s why I told you above that my Experience with Exide Company’s Battery was very nice. I also use an Exide 200ah Battery for my Home.


Environmental Initiatives from Exide Company:

Exide cares about the environment and wants to make a positive impact. They take special steps to do their part in protecting the Earth. It's like they have a plan to keep our planet healthy and safe.


One way Exide contributes to the environment is through battery recycling programs. When batteries reach the end of their life, Exide motivates people to recycle them instead of throwing them away. Recycling batteries helps prevent harmful chemicals from entering soil or water, keeping our environment clean. It's like giving old batteries a new life instead of letting them harm the Earth.


By recycling batteries, Exide also helps reduce the need for mining new materials. This means that fewer resources are used, which is good for the environment. It's like they're saving energy and preserving our natural resources.


Exide may also focus on other sustainable practices, such as reducing their carbon footprint or implementing energy-efficient manufacturing processes. These efforts help minimize their impact on the environment and promote a greener future. It's like they're finding ways to make their processes more eco-friendly.


Overall, Exide's environmental initiatives show their commitment to being responsible stewards of the environment. They strive to make a positive difference and inspire other companies to do the same and make a more sustainable and greener world for all of us.


Most Common Exide Batteries Warranty: FAQs


FAQs   Answer

1. Whether the warranty is transferable. 

- Yes, if you sell your vehicle or equipment to someone else with an Exide battery installed, the Exide battery warranty is transferred to the new owner of the vehicle or equipment.


2. What happens if the battery is damaged?

- If your battery is damaged due to any accident or intentional reason, it is not covered under warranty. But if your battery gets damaged due to a technical fault then it is covered under the warranty.


3. What if the battery is no longer in production? 

- If the battery is no longer in production it may still be covered under warranty. In such cases, the Exide battery can be replaced with a comparable battery.


4. How to keep the warranty valid? 

- To keep the warranty valid we must follow the recommended maintenance and usage guidelines for Exide batteries. For which the charging of the battery, proper storage, and avoiding excessive use or misuse of the battery.


5. How long does the Exide battery warranty last? 

- Exide battery warranty length varies from product to product and this length can be from one year to several years.




The Exide battery warranty offers several benefits to consumers who choose to purchase Exide batteries with a warranty. The warranty gives peace of mind, protection against potential battery failure, cost savings, and solid customer support and assistance. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the battery warranty, please contact Exide Customer Support directly at 1800-103-5454 or Whatsapp no. 7044000000 and Email them on email id- exidecare@exide.co.in. By choosing Exide batteries with a warranty, you can be confident in the performance and reliability of your battery.


Our Reference

Official website of Exide India: Exide Care


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